2965 Hwy 43, Kemptville +1-613 258-1931

Infant Program

Infant Yard

Madison Montessori’s Infant Program is committed to promoting quality Montessori infant care for children 12 to 18 months.

The aim of our Montessori Infant Program is to foster the development of basic trust and to assist in the normal development of the child’s personality. This basic trust develops in an environment where people respond appropriately to the infant’s communication of needs to be loved, respected, and accepted.

Infants learn through their senses. They learn by watching and moving freely. Freedom to move is essential to the development of the infant’s potential and is a big part of our classroom. Our day is a flexible sequence of routines and activities that reinforce the rhythmic patterns of activities of individual infants—not a rigid schedule. We hope to establish a partnership with the family in order to benefit the infant’s total development.

Infant Using Clay

Our day is a flexible sequence of routines and activities that reinforce the rhythmic patterns of activities of individual infants—not a rigid schedule.